This extraordinary era of ours is featured by the dizzying circulation of knowledge. Information and data are available to everyone like never before in history. Yet, the two factors that allowed its diffusion, velocity and quantity, penalizes the ability of individuals and organizations to acquire and employ them.

Hence the paramount importance of knowing which part of the information is useful for our purpose, knowing where to find it, how to connect single pieces of it, how to interpret it, how to use it and how to apply it.

Organizations, institutions, and groups struggle every day to find the best solution to their needs, channel the available resources, identify missing skills and increase the existing ones. The integration of these activities into the daily management cycle is perhaps the biggest challenge for all players to date.

Through Sonder Industries’s knowledge network, companies and organizations can turn to a pool of seasoned professionals who have the know-how capable of designing tailor-made solutions and assisting them in the realization of their projects.

From the implementation of immersive programs, to definition of strategies, from carrying out of operational activities and the support in the evolutionary path of products and services to the management of group dynamics and much more.

Through the wide range of experiences and skills, emerged from the vast knowledge base of Sonder Industries, we have defined an ideal path consisting of subjects and vertical activities. A modular, extensible and customizable path based on specific project needs, which includes the know-how necessary to achieve the intended purpose.


A Constant Eagle-Eye Vision Of The Changing Trends


Provide The General Picture Of The Expected Final Experience


Applying Existing Solutions And Techniques To New Scenarios Or Conditions


Rethinking Your Business Models To Face The Challenges Of The Market


Evolutionary Strategies To Adapt And Compete In A Competitive Market


Collect And Analyze Data To Outline The Most Suitable Project Planning


Win The Complex Task Of Choosing The Right Technology For Your Project


Design The Most Suitable Action Plan For Your Product Launch

Finding The Most Suitable Strategic And Operational Balance

Through the involvement of figures and personalities coming from education, research, entrepreneurship, innovation and the dissemination of knowledge at all levels, we bring out solutions to some of the most difficult challenges.

A Constant Eagle-Eye Vision On The Changing Trends

Whether it’s about developing a product or service, defining the context is fundamental.

And when it comes to business, context means trends. Trends help framing the choices in order to fits them in with contemporary values and lifestyle.

Trends identify things that are not fads but relevant scenarios that take shape around emerging human needs and that will have an impact on the profitability of organizations.

Provide The Big Picture Of The Expected FInal Experience

By collecting data and insights to build plausible futures, organizations can learn to develop new strategies and understand the implications that may arise.

Scenario mapping leads to verify the hypotheses of changes that can be made within any type of company or institution.

Framing plausible scenarios means applying a probabilistic model to be able to make the right decisions and increase internal capacities.

Applying Existing Solutions And Techniques To New Scenarios Or Conditions

Adaptive creativity means applying existing solutions, techniques or products to new scenarios or changed conditions.

Unlike creative innovation, where thinkers create original ideas that challenge paradigms, adaptive creativity creates original ideas that are more likely to adapt to existing paradigms.

This approach tackle problems from unusual perspectives to question the status quo and come up with optimal solutions.

Rethinking Your Business Models To Face The Challenges Of The Market

Almost all innovation adventures fail due to a wrong business model choice. But nevertheless differentiation matters.

Business model development means using emerging trends to analyze opportunities, calculate their likely demand in the marketplace, develop ideas and determining potential risks.

Through this companies can test their ability to assess new business ideas using a strategic growth mindset.

Evolutionary Strategies To Adapt And Compete In A Competitive Market

Strategic planning is a process that involves making the right moves, having the correct information, at the right time in order to achieve business goals.

This decision-making process on which to shape the future derives from the organizational need of companies to adapt, compete and evolve.

A process of evaluation, and evolution through which companies will stand the test of time.

Collect And Analyze Data To Outline The Most Suitable Project Planning

The set of methods and procedures used to collect, analyze and measure the variables specified in a problem solving process.

Research is the phase to understand the needs of the project, not limited to the initial analysis but which continues throughout the project development process.

Phase leading to design where the ideas born during the analysis of the design materialize.

Win The Complex Task Of Choosing The Right Technology For Your Project

As new technologies appear faster than ever before, companies face the increasingly complex task of choosing which ones are right for them.

Technology consulting simplifies this process, offering expert guidance on where and how different technologies can be applied to generate maximum business value.

In this way, organizations can quickly identify and exploit technological solutions to develop and offer innovative products and services.

Design Of The Most Suitable Action Plan For Your Product Launch

Passing the message and presenting the product in the right way is equally fundamental as starting with a new business and bringing out new products.

When done in the right way, it can catapult a business to new heights.

While a successful product launch strategy can popularize the commodity and fetch high sales, it can also strengthen the brand.

Growing At A Sustainable Pace

The challenges of any company are solved by implementing proper skills and adequate development strategies to ensure growth in the long-term.

And this process must be constant in every evolutionary phase of the company, whether it is a start-up, a scale-up or an established brand that acts to maintain or increase its market share.

The future is around the corner. Any move can be decisive for changing the future that will impact all the people out there. Make your move contact us now.




Uncover all our activities, explore our programs, find out more about how our network of professionals can help you and help us sustain the global change.

Global Challenges

Bringing togheter knowledge and experience to find the best solutions for the planet

Project Consulting

Helping companies achieve goals by keeping an high level of ethics and reliability

Project Partecipation

Betting on startups and companies that apply interesting technology in divergent ways and with attractive sustainability

Training Programs

Interdisciplinary training programs designed around real world problems and integrated by workshops

Keynote & Speech

Bringing innovators and thought leaders to companies, cultural organizations and educational institutions.

Pro Bono Consulting

Commiting knowledge of the network wherever it is possible to create value for the community


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